Weekend project


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This weekend I found some time to do a little crafting. I've seen this idea floating around the internet for a while now and when an empty afternoon came about, it was the perfect time to get started on the million and one hangers I have. And I only did three..

It's super easy and a great use for scrap fabric. Plus these babies look a lot prettier than the mismatch bunch I have right now. Have a DIY that you love or have done recently? Please share!

Happy Monday!


Kiersten said...

I hadn't seen this idea anywhere before....but I love it! I'll have to try it over the summer when I'm home with all the leftover fabric of projects never come to pass.
<3 Kiersten

Freya Lily said...

oooo those are cute! Such a good idea too! I'm looking to start getting into weekly crafts..it's part of my campaign to do things I love! This has made the list :)
