

About a weeks worth of blogging
1 (about to be 2) Weekly Gratitude Post
Photos of the new place
Lots of updates Re: teaching, kitty, boyfriend, work, dance, moving, 
friends, plans, home decorating, shopping and all that jazz!

Since we don't have internet at our new place I have been experiencing blog withdrawals and haven't posted since, um, I forget - but it's been a while. Like seriously?! Who doesn't have internet and cable?! I have no idea when we're going to have internet freedom and the luxury of watching TV but I'm certain that I'll be glued to my cute pink laptop for days straight just trying to catch up. Maybe even weeks.  
Sorry I mean you're welcome boyfriend!
So for now, I will store all my witty, funny, somewhat inspirational post ideas deep inside my brain. Oh dear God please let my brain be big and strong enough. And then BOOM! (bet you didn't see that one coming!) your Dashboard's will explode with my million and one catch-up posts! 
(Now might be a good time to unsubscribe.. NO WAIT! please don't leave me..)

I bet you're wondering how I made this post happen...
shhh it's a secret!

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