Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts

My weekend in Instagrams


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The last couple of days I've spent..

lots of time at the dance studio,
an afternoon at a craft fair (where I got that beaded flower ring, hand painted mug and two vintage spoon rings),
a couple hours behind the sewing machine customizing a favorite sweater of mine,
an evening movie-watching with the family (& Amber Kitty),
and some time experimenting with the panorama camera while enjoying the sunset.

Hope you all had lovely weekends. This spring weather has got me feeling very hopeful and energized!

our home: decorated!


In case you didn't notice the date above.. it's December 1st. Which means it's acceptable to share our wonderfully decorated, (and mostly DIY) Holiday Home. Technically we put the tree up in November, but it seems like we aren't the only ones decorating before December. I saw an awful lot of trees being carried home over the weekend and lots of homes dressed in bright lights, so I don't feel too terrible about rushing into the Christmas season.

This is our first Christmas in the new home. We thought long and hard about where to put our tree and whether we were going to get a real one or a fake one. Our living room is a little awkward, so it was hard for us to picture where we could fit a real tree without it being in the way. My entire life I have always had a real Christmas tree, so I was a little reluctant to go the fake route. However, we have a wonderful bay window that just screams, "put a little Christmas tree here!" And as for the Christmas tree smell that boyfriend and I love so much -- evergreen candle to the rescue! And plus.. no clean up or watering for us!


The runner and the stockings were my DIY projects for the week. I was so proud of myself. My mom has bins and bins full of fabric, so I was thrilled to find some Christmas prints buried in the piles. I helped myself and viola! I'm thinking about adding some lace on the edges of the runners to give it a little more pizazz.

And of course, you probably noticed the disco balls on our tree. Silly I know, but I had to do it for my lovely DJ boyfriend. That way he'll let me put ballerina ornaments on the tree! Have you put up decorations yet? Some people think it's too early. But clearly, I don't. Happy December!

motivated to make


happy thursday!

Just in time for V-day. Or Easter. Or Birthdays. Or just because..


New bracelets coming soon to my ebay store. Here's a sneak peek!


Spread the word. Handmade jewelry & crocheted accessories. Free shipping. Free lifetime repairs.
Questions? Comments? Requests?
Email me:

Happy Hump Day!
What's getting you through this week?
For me... it's Girls Scout cookies and snow days = ]


New to Nicole's world of handmade things..


Stylish holders for cell phones, iPods, etc. Personalize them with your initials, pick your own colors & choose from a collection of styles.. 
Here are a few different styles I have so far. They haven't made it to my website yet, so you're the first to see them : ) 

Lucky you. 

Send your special orders to I'd be happy to personalize them however you'd like (initials, color, etc) for no extra charge & F R E E  shipping! Be sure to include style number and what you will be putting inside.
[Cases fit most standard sized phones and iPod touches].

Have other ideas, comments or questions?! Leave them here or email me : )

for all you cute, hat-lovers..



Only two available
 :: Adult [coral with white & brown flower] hat. 100% pure wool. Hand wash only ::

Please email us with custom order requests, questions & comments. 
We look forward to accessorizing your beautiful lives!

Fresh & New


Since it's 2011, I figured it would be appropriate/acceptable to change my blog up a bit. Sometimes I think I could spend all day designing the layout of my blog. It's so insanely addicting.

I'm in the process of scrounging for time to work on my handmade business. Some new items will be debuted on my website and ebay store soon - so stay tuned. [Possible sneak peak here first]..

I hope everyone is having a lovely start to the year. My only wish is that there would be some more of that fluffy white stuff falling from the sky. I don't like going out in it, unless I'm dressed in about 20 layers and have boots on.. [you should see me walk through the mud and dirty snow in my "nice" shoes].. the poor things.

They say there might be some this weekend - so look out New England.

happy hump day bloggers : )

giving makes me happy


so does - making crocheted things, laying in bed, drinking coffee, wearing sunglasses, my new boots, planning Christmas gifts, thinking about Thanksgiving, getting presents from the boyfriend, the sun, celebrating veterans, walking downtown, snapple, lunch dates with the boyfriend, emailing friends, and making dinner - [last night Dana and I made yummy quesadillas with cheese, tomatoes, bacon, chicken and cilantro. We served it with white rice and they were sooo delicious and easy to make]. Things like this make me super happy.  

Speaking of the holidays.. I want to know! What are you getting for your friends and family? If you could choose from my list of handmade items below, what would you pick to give? Leave your selection in a comment - include color, pattern (strips, two-tone), other details, etc. If enough people are interested, maybe some sort of discount/giveaway will be created!  

scarf (with/without connecting loop/end tassels)
leg/ankle warmers
beanie hat (with/without flower decoration, baby or adult)
baby blanket
pair of earrings

Happy pretend giving - for now  ; )

Inhale deeply,


 e  x  h  a  l  e

Something I've been trying to do A LOT more of. Something I forget to do all the time [quite typical of dancers]. Something that a woman with so much enthusiasm and love for life that it's impossible to contain, taught me. Something that everyone should practice. Yesterday, while I was having "one of those days" I remembered how laying on the Old Gym floor, I would hear her voice, follow her instructions and feel like a million pound brick had been lifted off of my mind, chest and spirit. And while I was driving [not the best place to experience frustration, exhaustion & overwhelm], I sucked in a deep gulp of good 'ol air, held it, then let it out. Fully concentrating on the sensation in my chest. When I let the air escape, I shoved it out like I had never done before. Pushing everything [annoying phone calls, to-do lists, etc] out of my brain. And it felt wonderful. Like I had nothing in the world to worry about. We're always trying to worry about everything all at once. What for? Are we going to solve every single problem we stumble upon throughout the day. Probably not. And if you do, kudos, cause I can't and I will no longer try to do so for the sake of my personal sanity. 

So this is a challenge. For myself and you, if you so choose. 
Quit worrying when you know there's no use.
Move on. Push all the s#*t out and go back to it when you have some time. 
Or just get rid of it all together. 
Grab life. With both hands. Hold on tight.
..and exhale once in a while for goodness sake!

Now that i re-read this post, it sounds sorta corny. Oh well. Sorry.
If for some crazy, bizarre reason, any of you decide to try my "challenge" I'd love to hear your revelations, feedback, struggles, success, etc. so leave me a comment = ]

Happy summerlikeweather day!

Don't forget to look at my "handmade by nicole" page! It's over there somewhere -->

Think about all the lovely gifts that they could be : )
