Weekly Gratitude


This week has made me grateful for the following:
family dinners, funny stories & game playing
lovely new followers
grilled cheeses and soup
waking up in a good mood
coffee.. [sigh] oh coffee
productive dance rehearsals
feeling confident and overwhelmed with joy after teaching dance
hair cuts that make you feel like a new person
 the memories that come from the videos in this post


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Kiersten said...

I think I may be too indecisive of a person to ever actually get one myself, but that's such a pretty tattoo!
Love your thankfuls, and I'm glad you had a good week. At least it sounds like you did!
<3 Kiersten

ailinh said...

Yay for hair cuts! I always love the feel of a new hair cut, even if it's just a little trim.

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Waking up in a good mood is The Best!!!!!!! That's what has happened this morning, and so far I have a great feeling about the day. And in reality, attitude is really such a huge percent of a great day...
I love ya!
