Two days, two dress rehearsals, two performances, two hundred and fifty students, filled with enormous amounts of excitement, tears, energy, chaos (at times), feathers, laughter, hugs and dance.
There is nothing like the watching my students dance on stage, after spending nine ( l o n g ) months with them in the class room. They step on the big stage with confidence and joy ready to let their love for dance spill over into the laps of the audience. And no matter how many times I've seen them dance, this time it's the best. The most important.
Every year around this time, I am looking for a break. From choreography, from my "routine", from feeling overwhelmed. But when the kids come off stage and say, "I want to do that again!" I can't help but want to hold on to those moments for just a little bit longer.
But a break is needed. This break is important. I'm looking forward to replacing this overwhelmed feeling with a positive and energetic outlook on the summer and year to come. Once in a while we need some time away from the things we love. It allows us see the way things are from outside the fog of, I've got to get this done.. I don't have time.. where's my to-do list.. hurry, hurry.. what's else needs doing? So after living these self-nagging thoughts for nine months, I am thankful that I can get this time to myself.
Time to regroup, refresh and refocus.
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