On a day like today..


When I'm not feeling 100% like myself - I'm finding comfort and happiness in:
my large tinkerbell mug full of tea (loveyouautumn!); the warmth and smell of the most worn-in sweatshirt I own; making playlists; planning dance classes; reading all of your lovely blogs; tweaking my own; looking for new recipes; daydreaming about going on vacation (which initially works as a wonderful pick-me-up.. until reality slams my checkbook in my face); eating a whole can of clam chowder by myself; painting my nails a bright color; the sunshine and the fact that I can actually wear my sunglasses; wearing sunglasses with my cute purple hat; planning surprise packages for friends (shhhh) and thinking about climbing into my big warm bed.

[Yes. I know it's a Christmas mug. But it's sooo large and in charge - wouldn't you use it all year round too?] [red nails = love]

What makes you feel better on a day when you don't feel quite "right"?!


Anonymous said...

Aw, yay Tink :) I know, isn't it just the coziest size for a mug of tea!!

Raena said...

You live quite the enchanting life :)
