Taking time to say hello!


Blog friends! It's nice to see you! Where have you been? What's new?
Actually, the question should be where have I been? I've been up to my eye balls in paint.. that's where. Every possible free second that I have, I am scrubbing, vacuuming, painting, cleaning, painting, painting annnnnnnnnnd painting. A new home is so much work - but I couldn't be happier. And when my honey and I are finally finished painting every room in the place, it's going to feel so fresh and lovely and wonderful and rewarding! We're going to be the proudest house parents there ever were.

Operation 'Give Our Home A Face-Lift' photos coming soon!

Cétait salement romantique♥ on we heart it / visual bookmark #4776607 

Enjoy your Hump Day folks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so so happy for you!! What an awesomely fun project - and one with results that will last a long and happy time! And I love the Coco quote - reminds me of Company last year :)
