Technology: still & always will bloggle my brain & drive me nuts!


I can't believe this just happened. I wrote a post about how much technology drives me bonkers, was about to click this lovely orange "publish" button, and BAM! Just like that.. everything disappears. How ironic. 
Instead of making my brain relive each idea in my previously drafted and saved post, I will just settle for some sort of angry, annoyed, but of course, organized list:

No internet at home
Desktop computer at work crashes
I rob the boyfriend's laptop to work on
Boyfriend swears, bangs, wipes clean, re-installs, yells at, and slams computer
For two days..
Computer still doesn't work
I finally get a chance to share my lovely, annoyed thoughts about technology
Blogger deletes my post
end of story.

What do you think? Are we better off without technology? (with the exception of blogger of course!) Do we depend on it too much to organize our lives/work?


Favorite thing today:

Shoes <3
I promised myself that I would buy some new fall-like shoes this weekend since mine are falling apart, ragging-looking ol' things!

Boyfriend's birthday is tomorrow. I'm hoping he'll win the lottery or something to lift his recently computer crashing spirit.. if not, I at least hope that he likes his gift. I'm really excited about it and wish I could share with you now, but you know the one time that he reads my blog will be today, and he'll see it! Soon I promise : )

 What's the best/most memorable gift that you've gotten for your birthday?


Anonymous said...

Those shoes are LOVELY. Please show us the new fall shoes you find!!

Of thousands of good birthday gifts I've every gotten, one especially good one I love:
This year my roommate Megalynn gave me a gorgeous tea-mug, styled after Tim Burton's Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland. It's bright warm red, with black silhouettes and spidery writing around it. And a black handle, which looks like a spade on a deck of cards. And along with that, some tins of tea. The present was not just the tea and the mug - it was the promise that we would have many future evenings of Grey's Anatomy and tea and girly conversations.

Alivia said...

Saw these shoes and I thought "I NEED THOSE BABIES!" Hahah :)

The best gift I've gotten for my birthday? Oh boy. I've gotten some really lovely ones. The first that came to mind was the Snuggie...because:
1. Who it was from
2. How I've used it to make others laugh. ;)

CHow11 said...

THe most memorable/meaning gift i've gotten that comes to mind is the Maine Hockey Jersey and maine football tshirt signed by members of the team that like a dozen of my friends chipped in for/helped out with my 2nd year of college!

Oh and of course my bright green winter coat I got my first year from my parents...that thins is amazing!!!

gingerSnap said...

hello Nicolee:)
